Keeping Your Little One Warm in Winter

We’ve partnered with our friends at The Caperberry Collective. Olivia Sewell talks about how she keeps baby Max warm through winter.

From the school run to hitting the slopes, popping in to town to a dog walk in the countryside, there’s no reason not to embrace the cooler months with your mini’s in tow. In fact, it’s encouraged. Apart from allowing children to burn off any excess energy making bedtime run a lot more smoothly, plus all the benefits of exercise, it’s also a great way for your little ones to get a dose of the much needed Vitamin D, and I don’t think anyone will disagree that hot chocolate tastes so much better after a bout of fresh air.

Here are a few tips on keeping your little ones warm in winter…

Young babies are more susceptible to the cold, particularly newborns. Think: Layers, layers and more layers. The best recommendation is one more layer than you have on yourself. Popping your mini in the baby carrier is a good idea too, as they will benefit from your body heat.

Gloves, socks, welly warmers and snow boots. Regardless of age, your hands and feet get cold most quickly – Be prepared with extra pairs of the above. If your mini is anything like mine, a missing glove is inevitable so bring spares!

When you’re cold, your baby is likely to be cold. This is generally the rule to go by, however, keep in mind that whilst you’re working up a sweat as you stroll along, your baby is just sitting/ lying/ snuggling and not moving nearly as much as you are.

Check little ears, face, toes and fingers regularly. These are the first tell-tale signs that your little one might be cold. Head inside before they get uncomfortable and start fussing.

Invest in some winter gear. If you plan to take your baby skiing, to the snow or just regularly outdoors, it’s worth investing in a few good winter baby clothes. Think: snowsuit, pramsuits and snow-boots."
good winter baby clothes

As soon as you’re back inside take off your baby’s hat, gloves and outer layer of clothing so they don’t get too warm.

So, without further ado, bundle up and head outside!

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